Finances / Controlling & Human Resources

Do you use Software as a Service (SaaS) in the area of Finances / Controlling?

Have you outsourced the Finances / Controlling area?

How important is mobile access to the central systems of the following process areas in your company? Please also evaluate the implementation of Mobile Access to these central systems.

Scale Relevance 1 (very high relevance) to 6 (very low relevance) ; n.a. (no answer)
Scale Implementation 1 (completely satisfied) to 6 (completely unsatisfied) ; n.a. (no answer)
Relevance of mobile access to core systems Implementation of mobile access to core systems
1 2 3 4 5 6 n.a. 1 2 3 4 5 6 n.a.
Finances / Controlling

Next, we mention some tasks / activities characteristic for the Finances / Controlling area. Please, evaluate them first according to their importance in the Finances / Controlling area of ​​your company and then, according to how satisfied you are with the implementation and respective IT support.

Scale Relevance 1 (very high relevance) to 6 (very low relevance) ; n.a. (no answer)
Scale Implementation 1 (completely satisfied) to 6 (completely unsatisfied) ; n.a. (no answer)
Scale Digitization 1 (very high) to 6 (very low) ; n.a. (no answer)
Relevance to your company Implementation in your company Degree of Digitalization
1 2 3 4 5 6 n.a. 1 2 3 4 5 6 n.a. 1 2 3 4 5 6 n.a.
Accounts payable and accounts receivable (including debt recovery)
Income and risk control of investments
Receivables management
Liquidity planning
Budget planning
Compensation between companies (intercompany transaction)
Consolidation of separate business units
Adaptation to new legal requirements / compliance
Cost accounting and management

Please rate the relevance of the use of the following innovative IT solutions in the Finances / Controlling area in your business and how satisfied you are with the respective implementation.

Scale Relevance 1 (very high relevance) to 6 (very low relevance) ; n.a. (no answer)
Scale Implementation 1 (completely satisfied) to 6 (completely unsatisfied) ; n.a. (no answer)
Relevance to your company Implementation in your company
1 2 3 4 5 6 n.a. 1 2 3 4 5 6 n.a.
Mobile and unified view of data of the current metrics
Highly flexible billing system
Liquidity planning
Integrated real-time analysis / Business Analytics
Preparation of reports that are automatically "compliant"
Individualized key figure overview / Self Service BI

Please rate how the following metrics have changed in the last 3 years. Specify first how satisfied have you been with their current account 3 years ago and then how satisfied you are today.

Scale 3 years ago 1 (completely satisfied ) to 6 (completely unsatisfied ) ; n.a. (no answer)
Scale Currently 1 (completely satisfied) to 6 (completely unsatisfied) ; n.a. (no answer)
3 years ago Currently
1 2 3 4 5 6 n.a. 1 2 3 4 5 6 n.a.
Data quality for management decisions (controlling)
Payment behavior of customers
Level of liquidity
Operating costs